This is me....

Welcome to my place! I am glad to have you here!
   I love parties. I love having my house overflowing with people and all the good times we can have together. Ken (my husband) thinks that sometimes I like to invite a bit to many people for our house and so this summer he is hoping to add on to our house so that we can have more room. Unfortunately for him, he knows that with an addition I will just think of a bunch more people that I would like to invite.

If you were to come to a party at my house you would find on that is usually relaxed and laid back, it is for the whole family (nothing adult only) , we will have plenty of snacks (but NO alcohol) and we like to play a lot of games. Snacks are almost always of the homemade variety, my kids and I like to work together to make stuff to eat that is yummy, frugal and fairly healthy too.

Something like this:
This was made on one baking day last summer.

 Now for a little about me. Some of you have been reading my blog for a while an I feel like we know each other fairly well (well some readers I do know well!) but some of you might be visiting for the first time.

My name is Abbi. I have been married to my handsome (and patient!) husband Ken for over 11 years. I am also Abundantly blessed! God has given me not only salvation through Jesus Christ but so very much more! It amazes me day after day how much He gives to me and to all of us.

   I am 33 years old and am beginning to realize that I can't think of myself in the college student age range anymore. :-) We have 4 children that are a huge blessing to us! They are certianly one of God's greatest gifts!
Our kids are: Mara (11), Jonathan (9), Aaron (7) and Megan (4). I am privileged to be able to stay home and homeschool and care for them, and those that read my blog probably feel pretty well aquainted with my kids as I talk about them, and the things we are working on together, a lot.

 I started this blog way back in 2007. I had at that time just started using the internet (I was and am a bit mechanically challanged which you might easily notice!) and had found some blogs that talked a lot about frugality. They were sharing ideas and I had ideas that I thought would be fun to share too so I decided to join in. I called my blog Proverbs 31 Living because the lady in Proverbs 31 is one that I have long aspired to be like. I am still very much a work in progress but I have used this blog to share my journey.

 The things I write about are things that I am working on in my life and I enjoy recording things and hearing back from others their ideas and thoughts. Here are some of the things that I am working on and I write about:
  • Being a godly woman. Growing to be more like Christ each day.
  • Being a good wife. Honoring, respecting and loving my husband.
  • Being a good mother. Learning patience, gentleness and consistency with my children. Teaching them in the best ways possible.
  • Making foods that not only keep us from starving but are also good for us, are interesting and sometimes they help us learn.
  • Being a wise steward of the money God has given us. I enjoy learning new ways to make do, use what I have and make something from trash "nothing".
  • Making money. I have a have a home business (doing wedding flowers) and I also enjoy finding other ways to try to make money.
  • Working with my hands. I love to make and create things and I enjoy documenting those things here to share with you.
  • Working hard and being more organized.
  • Sharing with others. Especially those that really need it.
  • Being joyful and grateful always.
I would love to have you join my on the journey of being a Proverbs 31 woman. I love to read each and every one of your comments (I just don't enjoy the spam so much!) and love to hear your opinions and ideas.