Our Camping Vacation - Part 3

Jon was fishing (while standing waist deep in the lake), Charlotte was practicing swimming, Evan was headed in the water to splash, and I was reading a book. This was one of the best mornings of our trip.

Jon only caught one small fish that wiggled it's way off the hook but they had fun trying.

Evan snuggled with Grandpa after a nap one day.

Charlotte liked to spend her nap time in front of Grammy and Grandpa's TV in the A/C.

My dad (Papa) came to visit and taught the kids how to use binoculars. I'm so glad you got a chance to come camping, Dad!

Charlotte and Jon fed the geese some Cheerios.

It rained the afternoon my dad came to visit so we all hung out in Jon's parents gazebo to play cards. The rain cooled things off a bit so it was nice to relax while the kids rested in the camper.

Jon's brother, Ken, and his wife, Valarie, came to visit that day also.

Chris and Denise were also there for the weekend. It was so great to spend time with you guys. You guys need to camp for a whole week next year!!