Traveling to a TEA party and other things that keep me busy

It is Wednesday night and it has been days since I last blogged. I have some pretty good reasons including a very cuddly and kissable little niece that has been to visit along with her Mom and Dad and big brother, home improvement projects going on (Thanks to my brother being here- but I have helped a little) and a trip out to Washington DC to go to a big TEA party there.

  Ken and I drove down to the cities and stayed at my sister's on Friday evening so we could head to the airport at 4 am on Saturday. We got to DC before lunch and had fun doing a bit of sight seeing the rest of that day.

 The last time we were in DC we didn't visit the Smithsonian Castle so I wanted go there this time. We enjoyed looking around a bit but didn't spend much time there.
We ended up spending most of our afternoon at the Postal museum. There was a lot of fun history there and we truly enjoyed it.

Then we went to a hotel where they were holding a sign making party for the TEA party the next day. We had fun making our signs and visiting with some others there. After that we headed to the Natural History Museum to see a documentary on Mt Everest (and one of its' first climbers, George Mallory) in the IMAX theater. When we got there we were carrying our signs as we hadn't been back to our hotel yet. The guards wouldn't let us in with them and told Ken to just throw them away. Ken thought maybe we would just leave but we decided to stick them in the bushes outside and they were still fine after the movie (which was pretty cool by the way.)

  On the 12th we woke up to a rather grey and rainy morning. We headed over to the Washington Monument where they had a church service of sorts. There was a lot of neat scripture reading and many prayers for our nation. We also sang "God bless America".

   We had fun meeting some people there and looking at everybody's signs and outfits. We weren't able to take a flag pole on the plane so Ken decided to wear his "Don't tread on me" flag as a cape. We soon discovered that he wasn't the only one with that plan. I got a picture of him with this man but later saw quite a few more people doing the same thing.
At noon we started marching down the roads from the monument to the Capitol. We certainly caused some traffic jams as they had to wait an hour or so for us to all get by. I felt kind of bad for the long lines waiting but I hope we were able to share our message in a friendly way.
The crowd was quite a bit smaller than last year when Ken and his dad went (in 2009 there were anywhere from several hundred thousand to a million people there) but there were still thousands and thousands of people. It was fun to see so many others who also feel passionately about our country going back to our founding principles where we honor God and have a limited government.
This was a group from Indiana. Indiana had a very good showing there.
I thought this sign was pretty creative. It was actually a bunch of signs put together and they were trying their best to stay straight.

There were a lot of people dressing in clothes of the time period of the Boston Tea Party. I enjoyed seeing all the costumes.
This lady had her own special Sam I am sign. She had found the poem online and then her husband drew the picture. I think this is what she had: ( I found it here)

I do not like it Uncle Sam, I do not like it Sam I am.

I do not like these dirty crooks, Neither how they cook the books.

I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals.

I do not like this Speaker Nan, I do not like this "YES WE CAN!".

I do not like this kind of hope, I do not like it, nope, Nope, NOPE!

So you do not like this Uncle Sam?

Would you, could you for free health care?

Would you, could you here or there?

He’ll sweeten the deal and buy you a boat. Anything it takes to steal your vote.

Just pay your taxes higher, higher, higher while our Constitution is set on fire.

Now Uncle Sam knows what’s best for you, knows more than you think you do.

So just hush up and pay and everything will be okay.

Ken and I.
This was probably the most creative sign we saw. Ken thought I should post it on here.
There was a rally on the Capitol lawn. It was fun to listen to people (most just ordinary citizens from across the country) speak on the importance of sticking with our values and holding our elected officials to following the constitution and if they don't, we will not elect them again!
  I think a couple of the most moving speeches of the day were from a couple of immigrants (citizens now) that told why they had left the socialist countries that they were born in and why they want to see America stay away from Socialism.
As we were leaving the rally we saw these quotes on a nearby monument. They totally went along with the theme of the day and so I thought I would share them here with you.

We came home on Monday night to face another busy week of homeschooling, home fixing, website working, church and more politics (its a busy time for that right now!). I will try not to have to much in the way of politics on here very often, but this rally was a pretty big event in our lives this year and I wanted to share. I guess we were even shown on Fox News on Sunday but unfortunately we didn't think to record the news, so we didn't see it.
  I am curious, are any of you politically involved? Have you ever attended a TEA party?