Yesterday evening I was over at my parents for a little while and Dad and I had fun pouring over the seed catalog (Fedco Seeds) and put together our joint order. It will be fun to get the seeds, plant the varieties inside that need an early start and then get to plant the others in the lovely dirt in the garden. I am looking forward to gardening again. It is so much fun to plant a little tiny seed and then watch and wait for God to make a beautiful plant come up. After that comes the joy of eating fresh from the garden food and then preserving all the extras for the winter. What fun!!
If you are dreaming of gardening like I am but also have a long time to wait may I suggest making sprouts. Sprouts are so very easy to make, are very inexpensive, are healthy and give you the fun of watching something grow.
Are you dreaming of gardening? Do you ever make sprouts? How do you like to use them? Tell me what you think!!