Another reason I love homeschooling

I just had to share these little glimpses into one of our school days.
Jonathan had been reading to me (with Aaron listening in) but after a couple of chapters I said I needed to do some other things but he didn't want to quit and Aaron was quite willing to sit and listen to him.
Meanwhile I thought I had better check on how Mara's schoolwork was going as it sounded like Megan might be bothering her. I went in their room to find this.

They were sitting at Mara's desk, Megan on Mara's lap and Mara was reading all the questions out loud to Megan and then Megan would give her some silly answer and then Mara would say the right one and write it down. They were having such a good time together and Mara was being such a sweet big sister and still getting her work done.

Did I ever tell you that I am blessed?

I am so glad that Mara and Jonathan aren't getting on the bus every morning and then coming home each afternoon with piles of homework. Instead they can do their work while still cultivating lasting relationships with their family.

What are you loving about mothering right now?