Every Day a Holiday!

I have been enjoying a book that I checked out at the library called "Every Day a Holiday ~ Celebrations for the Whole Year! by Silvana Clark. Did you know that today is World Farmer's Day? Did you know that this week is Fire Prevention Week? Did you know that this month is Popcorn Popping Month? As well as Family History Awareness Month, National Pasta Month, National Apple Month and Eat Better/ Eat Together Month. Just think of all the ways you can celebrate. This book tells of Holidays nearly every day of the year and not just that but gives you fun ideas for food, crafts and activities to celebrate with. Her ideas are not usually very hard and pretty much use things that you would already have or can get quite cheaply. She includes some bible stuff and everything that I read about was quite family friendly. This is a very fun book and one I am thinking might be worth buying. I recommend it!