For the quilts that I make I really like to use either material scraps or clothes that are no longer being used. I have a hard time with the idea of buying brand new big sections of fabric and cut it up into little sections to make quilts. I have seen some very pretty ones that others have made doing that though, it just isn't my style.
For this quilt I wanted to make it pretty heavy as Jonathan sleeps on a bunk bed and making your bed on a bunk bed can be a big challange and it makes it easier if there are not lots of layers to pull up. I used denim and other heavy weight fabric for the top and then I put an old blanket in the middle and a t-shirt sheet on the back. (By the way I don't recommend using a t-shirt sheet for the back, especially not if you are a perfectionist! It is nearly impossible to get it straight and without flaws. It may be possible but I didn't accomplish it. Thankfully I am not a perfectionist.)
I decided to do a very simple design with a sailboat in the middle and then some stars of sorts and then mostly just squares. It was quite easy but we like the way it turned out. Jonathan really likes the sailboat.