progress report---
I also started this dragon hat for my DH's nephew but i think i may frog it and do a different one in crochet, this one is not thick enough.
This part is a little sad and requires some backround-
my DH is from Pakistan, he used to live in Detroit with his cousin and his cousins wife, one time his mother came to visit and while there crocheted this-
A roughly 2'x1' rectangle of double crochet, Whatever it was intended to be, it was left unfinished with the DH's cousin when she returned to Pakistan. Fast forward 3 years, my DH moved to Florida, met and married me, we found out we were pregnant, tell his family, and a couple of months before the baby is born his mother passed away. we just left florida and are staying with the cousin and they find it, and the DH has now asked me to crochet around the edges to make it large enough for a baby blanket for our son. I am happy to do this so my little one can snuggle up with it while his daddy tells him about the grandmother he never got to meet. From my DH I have learned what a remarkable woman she was and regret very much never having had the chance to meet her.
Until next post-
Asalam Alaikum