Works for me Wednesday ~ Flax!

Something I have learned to do in the last few years is to add ground flax seed to my baking. Flax is very good for you and throwing it into your baking is not hard. I grind most of my own flour and so when I do that I will just mix a little flax in with my wheat (or rye or whatever) when it is going through the grinder and then there is flax in my flour. If you don't have a grain grinder and aren't grinding flour then it is pretty easy just to grind your flax in a blender or some other sort of food processor. It is best to grind the seeds so you can get the full nutritional value.
Some of the things I put it in are: Bread, muffins, cookies and granola. If you use it in huge amounts you can substitute some flax for a little flour in pretty much anything. Some people eat it raw sprinkled over oatmeal or in their smoothies.

Flax is rich in alpha linolenic acid which is an omega 3 fat. That helps with:
  • Making it Anti-inflammatory which can help with asthma, osteo arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine headaches and osteoporosis.
  • Protecting Bone health
  • Protecting against Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes.
  • Preventing and controlling high blood pressure.

Other ways flax can help your health are:

  • Reducing hot flashes (in studies it reduced them over 50%!)
  • It is rich in beneficial fiber which fights constipation.
  • It helps to get rid of the "Blues".

For more detail on the benefits of flax I found these sites helpful: WHFoods and Golden Valley Flax.

All said, Flax definitely works for me!!
Do you use flax? What do you like about it or how do you like to use it?

I also have been enjoying growing flax flowers. I think they are so beautiful and they come back year after year. I haven't figured out if this is the right type to eat though and so I haven't tried harvesting to eat them.

For more Works for me Wednesday tips visit Rocks in my Dryer.