luncheon food

Sad time in our family. My ex's partner Carol 65yrs old (in Edmonton) is hours away from dying.. my daughters were told to 'come now if you want to see her' they flew out of Victoria last night (taking along Carol's oldest dearest friend Yvette..85 years old). They phoned to say she can't talk..that hopefully she can hear them talk to her...ALOT of ALOT of pain.

Today I helped set up a luncheon for 100 people for a funeral for Steve's Mom.(67yrs.old) (I worked with him at Ford Canada). My daughter Karyn was going to do this but due to unexpected Edmonton flight..she asked me to take her place. WOW..that was alot of work but so rewarding. We worked our buns off and it looked so nice. YES, I wore a dress...holy's been awhile. (pictures above)...
Tonight is the Lantern Festival in Beacon Hill Park... going to go if it doesn't rain...