Today I cast on stitches for a pair of socks...I purchased some elastic yarn yesterday at Michaels..thanks to the TWO 40% off coupons left at SeriousCoffeeKnitting on Friday..(Thanks Karen). The salesclerk there said "You are allowed to use only ONE coupon per day"...I said "Hold on to the other ball..I'll go get my friend who is sitting in the car"...she mumbled a bit and said "OK, I'll let you get away with it this one time"...hohum... those young salesgirls just don't get it...we are seasoned shoppers for sales and we win!! (((smiling as I am typing this))).
Started another blanket last night but will now limit myself to just a few hours an evening..
See you at Fernwood Market tonight? The sun is shining..the sky is looks like NO RAIN!
GREAT NEWS!! my granddaughter Charlotte asked me if I'd like to go to a BeachBoys Concert...I said "Sure would IF you and Christopher go with me" she's 8 and he is 6...they have been singing to my BeachBoys cassette in my car for YEARS. They know the words to all the songs!
She smiled and said "Yes, we all are going to go to the concert for YOUR birthday!!" What a neat way to find out about my birthday gift...YES!!! Now we hope there are tickets available...keep your fingers crossed.