Making your home a Haven

Monica at The Homespun Heart is hosting "Making Your Home a Haven" week. That is something I have been wanting to work on more so I thought it would be fun to join in.
I think it is very important that our home is a haven, a place where we fill comfortable and "at home". Not just a place where we sleep and shower but where we actually live. A place where we don't have to feel stressed or worried and can get away from the sadness that often is in our world. I know for both Ken and I, we feel more rested if our environment is clean and not cluttered. That is something that I am not perfect at, and lately I have really struggled with, so I am really trying to work on that area.
Yesterday the theme was "Tidy" and today it is "Clean". I didn't post yesterday as I ran out of time but that is okay because I kind of mixed the two days together anyway. Monday is my normal cleaning day and so here is some of the things we did:
  • Dusted
  • Vacuumed
  • Mopped
  • Cleaned off appliances
  • Did Laundry
  • Washed Trash can
  • Cleaned Bathrooms
  • and did some basic decluttering and tidying.
    Here is one area that was really bothering me: An overflowing recycling area!

We were able to get everything packed up and hauled to the recycling. Much better!

Another messy area that bothers Ken ~ My nightstand.

Much better! I am really going to try to keep it this way.

Today I worked to get my kitchen in order. It always feels good to have clean counters all over! There was another problem area that I worked on (my office) but unfortunately it isn't ready for after pictures yet. :-( Hopefully another day! :-)

Whether you have joined in the fun at the Homespun Heart or not, I hope your home is a haven!