Awhile ago I blogged about some birds that we watch from our roof. I really like the crows, they have such personalities.
There is a saying here, that if a crow sits on your house that means that you will have guests.
This guy was hopping back and forth between two bowls of food that someone had place on their roof. That is another interesting thing, if someone in the house drops some food on the floor or if something is starting to turn then many people put it up on the roof for birds/squirrels rather than just dumping it in the trash.
Some times when Tariq goes to buy meat for the house he will get some scraps from the butcher. Then he takes them up on the roof, spots a crow and tosses a scrap at it. After a minute or two the entire roof is covered with crows, looking for scraps. Pretty soon the cheels(the hawk types) come to investigate, and are swooping down to catch scraps thrown into the air. It is an amazing thing to watch.