The End of the Marching Band Season

I'm only a few weeks late with this post. This past week I've been sick with an upper respiratory virus and haven't felt up to blogging. I'm going to try to catch up this week.

The kids and I went to see Jon's band compete in their last competition. It's so much easier to take them along now that they're older.

Snacks are essential to waiting patiently.

Lots of snacks!

My mom and Mark met us at the competition. Can you tell where Charlotte got her coloring? I never thought I'd have a blonde haired, blue eyed child.

Jon got a chance to sit with us for a while. He steals the kids whenever he gets a chance.

Jon invited Charlotte and I to go out onto the field to wait with his student leaders during the awards ceremony. Evan stayed back with Nana and Grandpa since he wouldn't be able to stand still that long.

We're not even paying attention, are we? Charlotte thought it was pretty cool that we got to stand on the field with the big kids.
I loved watching the band this year. They did very well. I have to say though that I'm so happy the season is over for this year. I'm happy that Jon's 70 hour work weeks have come to an end. The kids and I have missed having him around in the evenings.
I won't tell you that he's already started sketching the Marching Band show for next year.