Down On The Farm

On our trip to Katie's last week, we got to spend some great time with Katie's animals. It's amazing what she has space for on their acre of land.
I know I just uploaded a crazy amount of pictures but I couldn't get rid of any of them.

We got to help feed the bottle kids many times while we were there. Princess Farmer Charlotte loved it and got good at holding the bottle even with the kids pulling and bumping it. Evan needed some help and then still would rather run around with the kids instead of feeding them.

"Ummm... little goat... you've got something on your chin"

"Give the goat a hug, Evan"

Those little goat babies were so cute, bouncy, busy, and adorable. Quite good escape artists too!

June, the nanny goat, knows where to go when it's time to milk. More on that in a minute...

Katie feeding Purl the momma sheep and her two babies and Darla the pregnant ewe.... and a few chickens.

Princess Farmer Charlotte loves chickens too.

Time to milk the goat....
June stood very patiently while Evan tried to milk her. I'm pretty sure he thought we were crazy when we told him to squeeze and milk would come out.

Princess Farmer Charlotte kept trying until she got it right and was pretty good at milking. She thought it was really cool that the milk in Aunt Katie's fridge came from June. The kids(the human ones) loved the goats milk. We really need to get some land and a goat. Maybe I could hide one behind our shed. I wonder if the neighbors would mind. Maybe I could put a chicken coop...... Okay, okay, I'll wait until we're out of a neighborhood.

I helped with the milkings.

June is a lovely goat and stood perfectly still while we milked her. I had a dairy goat for a few months when I was a teenager. I remembered how to milk her but I wasn't as fast as I used to be.

Sweet June munching on grain.

Katie is a milking pro! She was so fast.

Princess Farmer Charlotte saying hi to Darla.

Run lambies, run!

Darla is the sweetest sheep. Charlotte was so comfortable with animals.
You'll notice that Evan wasn't in the sheep pictures. Purl (the momma ewe) has a very loud, deep voice and it terrified Evan. He steered clear of the sheep pasture for the rest of the visit.

Cute kids in the chicken coop.

Look, I found an egg!

Princess Farmer Charlotte poses with her found eggs.

Katie caught a chicken for the kids to pet.

Katie also caught this little ram lamb for the kids to pet. I think this is the only sheep that Evan got this close to the entire visit.

My brother, Chris, came for a quick visit between jobs and we roped him into helping with the farm chores too. He even looks cool while he feeds a baby goat.

He was a very good sport about trying out milking too.
We had such a great time. Hopefully Katie can help me build my farm animal collection(is that what you call it?) when we get more space. I'll try to be patient for a couple more years....