Happy Belated Easter

The kids and I (along with my mom) just got back from a wonderful trip to my sister's house (Jon was on a cruise with the high school band). We had a wonderful visit. The weather was gorgeous, the food was wonderful, the farm animals were adorable... and I'm exhausted! I'm trying to catch up with laundry, cleaning, blogging, baking, and thinking about putting in my garden. I'll post about farm animals tomorrow but for today I'll do an Easter recap.

I really love making something handmade for Easter. This year I knit bunny washclothes for the kids. I followed this pattern using worsted weight cotton yarn and size 7 needles.

The pattern is super simple and I was able to make one a day without any problem. I also made a bold blue and a bold green washcloth but forgot to take pictures of them.

Katie's deck was the perfect place to dye eggs. Charlotte and Kylee (Katie's stepdaughter) had a great time.

Katie helped Evan dye one after he finished helping Katie and I with farm chores.

Here's my egg. I love rainbows. I used to work at a little country store in college and in my spare time would organize their candles in rainbow order. Did I just say that out loud?

What do you do with leftover Easter egg dye???
Paint a dog!!
My mom has a wonderful sense of adventure and thought her Jack Russell/poodle mix, Mia, would look beautiful when dyed Easter egg colors. Mia was very patient.

Punk Rock Dog! Isn't she gorgeous?? I wish I had taken pictures of her when she was dry and brushed out. The colors are a lovely pastel rainbow. Mom, how about red, white, and blue for July 4th???

Easter Egg Hunt
Charlotte and Kylee dashing to get eggs.

Most of my pictures from that evening are blurry because the light was fading and the kids were running so fast to collect eggs.

Devin (Katie's stepson), Charlotte, and Evan are looking for eggs near the pasture. That brown blur in the center is Elmer, Katie's dog. He loved running with the kids. He had no idea what they were doing but it sure looked like fun.

When we got home, it was time for the Easter bunny to come.

I hope everyone had a great holiday!