Chest Freezer Inventory

We have a crazy amount of cooling appliances in our house. We have 2 full sized refrig/freezers and a chest freezer. You'd think it would be too many... but we use them all almost to capacity.

In our kitchen fridg/freezer I keep things we use every day. The freezer is used for veggies for dinners, popsicles, juice concentrates, and chicken broth.

We keep another fridge/freezer combo in the playroom. The fridge is used to store my bulk flour and baking needs as well as overflow from the kitchen fridge. It's nice to have the room to stock up when things are on sale. The freezer section is used for meat and the tomatoes from my garden for the time being.

Then we have our chest freezer. I love this freezer since it holds so much and keeps it so cold with minimal freezer burn. The downside is that it's hard to know what's in the bottom since it's covered with stuff.

Today I decided to do an inventory of what's in there and keep that list posted on the freezer so I can mark things off as I use them. I'm hoping this helps things to be used instead of being stored forever. I got it done in about 10 minutes and thanks to my wool mittens, my hands stayed warm.

Here's a pic of my full freezer:
Here's everything laid out on the floor ready for counting.

Inside I had: 5 loaves of store bought bread
3 half loaves of homemade bread
8 bags of garden green beans
1 gallon jug of water/ice (you never know when you'll need a ice block for a cooler.
2 containers of lentil soup
6 bags whole blueberries
7 bags whole strawberries
1 2 c. bag of cherry puree
1 1 c. bag of cherry puree
1 Lg. bag of peach slices
6 4 C. bags of peach puree
1 2 C. bag of peach puree
1 qt. container of butternut squash
6 1 C. bags of strawberry puree
5 2 C. bags of strawberry puree
***Why so much puree, you ask? I plan to make flavored applesauce this fall and whatever I don't use in applesauce, I'll use to make more jam**
I love these little baskets that fit at the top of the freezer.
In one basket I have all my jams:
Strawberry- 3 Lg, 2 Med.
Peach - 6 Lg, 3 med, 11 small
Blueberry/strawberry 2 med, 4 small
In the other I have my applesauces and fruit butters:
Applesauce: 6 Lg. 1 med.
Applebutter: 17 med.
Peachbutter: 3 med.
I'm so glad I did this today. I didn't even remember that I had peach butter. I'm going to use it to make my applebutter muffins. I can't wait to see how the flavor changes with peach vs. apple butter.