Guide: Things to keep in mind while stroller shopping:

  • Test it out - If you are uncomfortable you won't like it. The handlebars should be a good fit not only for your hands, but also your height/stride.
  • Look for reclining seats for newborns or a car seat attachment. Since newborns need to lay down for the first few months, this will be the safest option.
  • 5-Point harness - most models of strollers come standard with a 5-point safety harness which is the most secure for baby. Make sure the harness is easy to adjust and easy to fasten.
  • Check for durability and stability. Is the frame sturdy? Does the stroller stay upright when slight pressure is applied to the handlebars?
  • Test out the accessories - do they seem flimsy? Cup holders and sunshades are know for being cheaply made.