I'm back!

I am happy to be back on my blog! This has been a long absence for me. I think I have found out that I am not addicted to blogging like I thought I might be,but I do truly enjoy it.

Here are a few of the things that have been keeping us busy these last few weeks:
  • The kids and I made and entered over 60 items in our county fair. We had fun bringing home quite a few ribbons too.
  • Getting things planned for the Republican booth at the fair. (Including making up a trivia game to be played.

  • Setting up the Republican Booth and Ken's business booth.
  • Attending Blueberry, Wild Rice and Chocolate cook-offs at the fair and having fun sampling some (many!) of the products.
  • Helping Ken run his booth at the fair.

  • Attending a "Dress a Cow Contest". Good fun!
  • Did I mention we went to the Fair?
  • Helping with and attending a kids Campout at the church building property.
  • We picked a few blueberries (around 4 cups, but it was sure fun to pick!), lots of raspberries (which have been turning into jam) and about 20 Juneberries (not a good year for them!).
  • I experimented with a new recipe. I had overcooked some white cake and it was quite dry so I made a trifle of sorts. I made vanilla pudding and then put layers of cake (crumbled up), pudding and berries in the bowl. It was an easy and effective way to use up cake that would have likely gone to waste otherwise. It was enjoyed too (even by Ken who was sceptical.)
  • I attempted to remove some of the monstrous weeds in our garden. Unfortunately there are still a lot their but it is getting better. :-)
  • We enjoyed company! Our friends Kent and Christy and their boys (but not their girls, which disappointed Mara quite a bit) came to visit. We had fun Raspberry picking together, the guys and kids went geocaching and Kent and I majorly beat Ken and Christy at a game of Spades. (Much to Kent's glee.) We also enjoyed some beautiful music from the 3 youngest though Levi didn't seem to want to be in the picture. (He would move whenever we brought out the cameras.)
  • I worked on wedding flowers while they were here as well and Christy requested some pictures- so here are a couple. Christy helped to make the pew bows but I didn't get any very good pictures to show you.
One of the arrangements for the front of the church building.

A small ice sculpture for the reception.

We are now busy with many other things which I will probably blog about! What is going on in your life?

Talk to you soon!