Farmer's Market Report

We went to the farmer's market last weekend but I haven't been able to post about it since I bought my mother-in-law her Mother's Day gift there. Now that she's gotten her gift, I can show you what we bought. Strawberries!!! We were all thrilled to see that it's strawberry season.
I bought a gallon (for $9) but next time I'm going to be a smarter shopper and insist on checking the bottom layer of strawberries. I'm not sure how I'll go about doing that but the bottom layer of strawberries were rotten. It ended up being about 1/3 of the strawberries were inedible. I'm not sure when that farmer picked them but they were certainly past their prime but the top layer looked and tasted fantastic. Live and learn.
I was happy that Honeybee Harvest was there and selling what they have left of last year's harvest. I bought a huge 5 pound bottle of Wild Flower honey ($18). It's a stronger honey that is great for baking. I always thought I didn't like honey because of the bitter, strong flavor of store bought honey. Last year I tasted some delicate "Wild Meadows" honey from Honeybee Harvest and it was unbelievable. It was sweet and delicate without the bitterness that I was used to. I'm hoping this year I'll be able to buy a huge bottle of Wild Meadows to use for table and use the Wild Flower for baking. They have so many products that they make from their great honey and bees wax. We all got some honey sticks that come in a crazy amount of flavors. Charlotte got pink lemonade and Evan got peach. Then we chose a beautiful pillar candle for my Mother-in-law that they hand make (using a mold) from their beeswax.

Beeswax candles are long burning, smokeless, and non-dripping. Luckily it was able to be shipped to PA before the weather got too hot.
We're headed to the farmer's market again this morning. Jon asked what I wanted to do for Mother's Day and one thing I mentioned was going to the farmer's market and taking my time to see everything. I'll show you what I find!