Consignment Sales... How I Love Thee....

I had never been to a children's consignment sale until I moved to North Carolina. I was amazed! Rack after rack of gently used children's clothes, shoes, toys, and maternity clothes. You can find the best deals.. especially if you go on the 1/2 price day.
Almost every church and some civic groups hold sales in the spring and then again in the fall. The sellers get to keep a portion of the profit and the church keeps the rest as a fundraiser.
This morning there were three 1/2 price sales within a few minutes of each other. I went to one at 7, 8, and 9 am. It's nice going to the 1/2 price days because people aren't pushing and shoving to grab the best things like they've been known to do on the first day of the sale.

Here's what I bought today.

For Charlotte I found:
1 dress
5 pants
3 pajama sets/nightgown
10 shirts
1 coat
1 leotardI hoped to find a coat to match the bold colors of the hat I'm knitting for Charlotte. I found this one for $1.50!! It's not as shiny as it looks in the picture.

I found this leotard for Charlotte for $1.50! She was so excited! She wore it to gymnastics today.

Below is what I found for Evan:
11 Pairs of jammies (really nice footie jammies from Carter and Children's place for $1 to $2!!)
16 shirts
1 coat
1 cardigan
7 pants

I was thrilled to find some much for Evan in good condition. Little boys tend to wear out their clothes faster so finding clothes in good shape for boys can be a challenge. Not today! :)

Evan's winter coat (probably for next year since it's huge) $3!!!

A Baby Gap cotton cardigan lined with sweatshirt material for $1 !!!! It's so soft!

I also found some non-clothing items I thought would be great to add to the playroom.
A wooden block/farm set for $3.50

A big paper box full of connecting building set bunny thingys for $5.
I also got a few VHS tapes and puzzles.
Grand total.... $87!!!!!
I didn't pay more then $1.50 for any pants or shirts. A lot of them were $.50-$1. The most I paid for a clothing item was $3 for the coat. You couldn't go to Walmart and get 1/3 of what I bought today for that price. This, in my opinion, is the ONLY way to shop for kids clothes.