Planting My Fall Garden

I finally got around to picking the last of the Roma tomatoes and taking out the remaining vines. I picked almost a 1/2 bushel of fruit from them!

Look at this one!! or three.... There was only one stem but looks like it wanted to be 3 tomatoes.

I also picked the rest of the cherry tomatoes and took the vines out of their planters.

Here's the broccoli from the seed I planted a few weeks ago. This one has 9 friends that are doing really well.

Look at my sad carrots. These 2 rows were both heavily seeded but I had terrible germination. If you click on the picture, you may see a few carrot seedlings. I'll have to do more research on helping carrot seeds to germinate before next spring.

After I ripped up the tomatoes, I put the cages back in close together and planted peas around them ... hoping they'll use the cages to support themselves.

In the row to the right, I planted spinach.

The area in the foreground used to hold the bean tower. Jon took that out for me. I planted swiss chard in that area.

In the back on either side of the fence, I put in seed for lettuce and kale.

So, everything is in that will go in except Mache that will be planted next month. I just need to keep it watered and see how it does. This will be my first fall garden.