Glimpses of Jackpine

Ken at his "office". Always work to do!
Hair getting fixed by Grandma.
Blokus, a game we learned and enjoyed while there.Fun times with Christy, Kent and Kade.
The girls tried their own version of the game.
Some sweet and tired (and dirty!) kids. One mama with limbs falling asleep too!

Bea snuggled up on Auntie Keren's lap after trying to cuddle up with my bunch but couldn't quite get comfortable. We were taking care of the 3 oldest Edwards kids too. (The whole family couldn't come as Gregory was pretty sick.)

Keren and Matt doing dishes.
Brandt had some good sermons from the book of Jonah.
The boys played in the fire a lot during services but when a question was asked you would find out they were really listening too.
Time to pack up and go home.

Thanks be to God for the wonderful weather, the good messages and singing, yummy food and fun times with friends!