Accepting the Organizing Challange.

Laura over at I'm an Organizing Junkie has presented a month long challange to motivate us to organize either a room or a particular area.  I like organizing but I have one place in my house that no matter how much I try it almost always looks horribly messy!

The area is my craft room/ business office/ guest room. When I hold consultations or we have company I always have to do a huge cleanup and I usually end up stuffing things in the closet or laundry room until everybody is gone and then out they come again. There, now I have confessed! :-)

  Anyway, I am eager to go to work on it. I have quite a few excuses this month for it being dirty- A couple of weddings to do flowers for, Another Bridal show (I just did one yesterday which left a big mess in its wake as well!). I also have consultations lined up and company coming so that should be some good motivation!

  Here are the pictures:
My desk. For some reason it gets pile high with stuff so very easily!

The middle of the room. I have a table to work on that is often full of stuff too!
When company comes we move this out and set up an air bed instead.

Lots and lots of ribbons. I made some very handy ribbon racks a while ago but then the ribbon quickly outgrew the space, so now it overflows all over. I also want to get rid of stacks of boxes there.

The closet is pretty bad!

This is the other shelf in that room. Not as bad as some areas but still in need of work!

While I hope that made you feel a lot better about any messy places in your house! If you have any organizing tips for this mess I would love to hear them! I think I am going to start working on it tomorrow.