We had another snow day today. The main roads are clear but the neighborhood roads, which weren't plowed or treated, are taking a while to melt. We're definitely enjoying this time off!
Here are the pictures from our time outside on Sunday. The snow wasn't good playing snow since it was hard and crusty on top and dry and powdery on the bottom. We ended up taking a walk around the neighborhood on the glacier roads.
The snow sparkled so brightly on the snow.
I found some kale peaking out from under the snow blanket.
See the crusty snow layer on top?
Even though most of my broccoli was harvested over a month ago, I never got around to pulling up the plants. I found this little side shoot that had grown and was sticking out above the snow.
Right now we have a wintry mix falling outside and they're calling for more snow Friday and Saturday. I'm not sure where I live anymore. I'm pretty sure North Carolina was tired of being know for mild winters. Maybe next year I'll be sure to buy us all snow boots......